Regardless of procedure, severity, or complexity, undergoing wellness treatments can conjure feelings of uncertainty or questions of safety. At Park Forest Chiropractic, we are no strangers to the reservations our clients share about chiropractic adjustments. We are here to assure you that our friendly and compassionate staff will thoroughly evaluate your condition and collaborate to develop a comprehensive treatment plan for your symptoms. Contact us in South Chicago today to schedule an appointment and keep reading as we elaborate on the safety you can trust during our chiropractic adjustments.
Are Chiropractic Adjustments Safe?
Are Chiropractic Adjustments Safe?

Comprehensive Evaluations
Before any chiropractic adjustment is performed, our staff will thoroughly evaluate your condition and work with you to develop a comprehensive treatment plan. Our chiropractors are highly trained and experienced in the fields of biomechanics and spinal manipulation and adjustment. We want to ensure that any adjustments we make are not only safe but also effective in relieving your symptoms.

Comfort and Professionalism
At Park Forest Chiropractic, we strive to provide a safe and comfortable environment for all of our patients. We adhere to the highest safety standards and use only the most up-to-date procedures and equipment. Our experienced team of practitioners is dedicated to delivering personalized and effective care.

Proper Technique and Equipment
We employ the use of advanced technology to ensure the accuracy of our treatments. Our chiropractic care is tailored to each patient’s unique needs and is always tailored to their current health status. Our treatments are low-force, meaning we use minimal pressure and force to prevent unnecessary discomfort unless otherwise discussed.

Communication is Key
We also make sure that our patients are informed about the treatment process before we begin. We will explain all of the risks associated with chiropractic adjustments in detail and provide you with the necessary information to make an informed decision. Our team readily provides you with all of the particulars we can so that you can include your doctor or other professionals in the shared knowledge.
At Park Forest Chiropractic, we are committed to providing our patients with the highest quality of care in a safe and comfortable environment. We understand the anxieties that can come with any treatment and strive to ensure our patients are confident in the safety of their chiropractic adjustments. Contact us in Park Forest today to discuss your symptoms or schedule your chiropractic evaluation.